Wednesday, December 12, 2007

The last ten days have been fuzzy and frustrating, landing me in the middle of December with no real clue as to how I got here. Too little daylight, too little sleep, and a little too much snow are wreaking havoc on my moods. Trying to find balance is tough for me at the best of times, but the pressures of the holidays seem to magnify the bad things more than usual.

Thankfully, for the most part I have managed to stumble unexpectedly across little things that save me from myself at just the right moment. The smell of the two Christmas tree lots on my walk home from work, discovering that chai mixed with hot chocolate tastes yummy, and preparing a Christmas package to post to Ottawa tomorrow have all served to remind me of what I've always loved about the holidays.


Anonymous said...

For some reason this year is feeling very much the same for me. Here I am Dec 13th, not knowing where November (or October for that matter) went.
I'm just hopeful that arriving in the 'nish next weekend will bring me some much needed Christmas spirit.
Chin up - see you soon

Anonymous said...

I tend to slow down a lot at this time of year. Getting stuff done for the holidays while still attending to the obligations of every day life definitely triggers a mild case of the blues for me personally. Hang in there and stick to those precious, little things that bring moments of calm and happiness. Carve out some quiet time to relax, breathe and just be. I have recently discovered that the scent of bergamot is very healing for winter blues - I have a friend who makes a wonderful, homemade, all-natural lotion containing bergamot which saved me last winter. I'll see if I can score a bottle for you to try, it's really lovely.