Monday, February 11, 2008

same story, different day

Last week was a write-off. Scratch that. The past couple of weeks have been a write-off. When I finally started to get over my cold, I found that I had no energy. So, I'm attempting to get back on track. I'm running with Anjali's advice and scaling back my plans that tend to border on grandiose -- one foot in front of the other, I'm going to deal with one pile or item on the list each night, instead of attempting to clean a whole room and ending up frustrated when it doesn't get done. Baby steps.

Practically speaking, this has meant taking a deep breath when I realised that the sock I've been knitting, and enjoying, clearly isn't going to fit and needs to be frogged. I'll rip it back at some point, but in the spirit of getting things done and since there are other things that need more attention, I'll leave it in its currently too small state to avoid temptation.

It's also meant not always trying to fight the bad moods and the cold weather. Especially today when it was snowy and windy and cold, and I had this Matt Mays song stuck in my head.

The good news is that it's less than three weeks until M. is here for a visit and I get a few vacation days. And spring will surely follow soon after...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Go gently Meaghan, it sounds as though your body is still healing. I am trying to take my own advice on the small steps part as well - sigh, did I mention that sometimes even the slightest movement forward can be more agonizing than standing still? This is where I am at, kind of overwhelmed and stuck, although even taking care of the small things on my list does seem to help.

You Project 365 continues to inspire me - sorry if I sound repetitive and exhausting in my comments...I think winter has me down for the count in terms of any kind of meaningful brain capacity.

Spring, make haste!