little things
After March and April seemed to drag on forever, I can hardly believe that we're fast approaching the middle of June. I feel like I don't have a lot to show for my time. I've been spending unexpectedly long hours at work and have been generally tired and uninspired. I've managed to keep up with Project 365, but my photos have been less than stellar and I'm often frustrated with my camera.
Dare I say, though, that I've turned some sort of corner this weekend. I made a long list of things that I needed to get done, and I've been actually able to cross things off. They're small things, like doing the dishes and emptying the compost, but still. Today stretches on in that best way where you look at a clock and are pleasantly surprised that it's that time -- neither too early nor too late, just the right amount of time gone in the day and just the right amount left. If that makes any sense.
I feel like I've gotten off track over the past few weeks (okay, months) and am working to reestablish some sort of routine for myself. I know summer+routine doesn't exactly sound like fun, but habits are what keep me from losing my mind some days. I want to be spending more time knitting and crafting and reading. And taking pictures (I've got to get out of this rut).
On a completely random note (have you noticed that my writing is a bit rusty?), here's a list of things that are making me happy lately:
:: finally being able to take the wool blanket off my bed
:: this book
:: switching my winter sweaters out for summer skirts
:: these funny guys (and especially this show)
:: these sock kits (thinking I might have to order one if there's any left in the shop when I get my bonus this week)
:: fudgsicles
:: summer shoes
:: cold beer
Back soon.
Hooray for lists! No matter how large or small, every checked item counts as a step forward. Your 'happy' list sounds so delicious and summery...mmmmm, fudgsicles.
By the way, LOVE the new summer banner. (You may feel frustrated with your camera, but you still take gorgeous pics.)
Thanks A -- every once in a while I find myself pleased with some of the photos I take. I think recently the lack of satisfaction is as much about not feeling inspired as it is about my frustrations with the camera. And then there are better days, like today, where I'm pretty pleased with things. I'm a bit fickle, I guess.
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