Friday, July 18, 2008

four posts in one week... I can hardly believe it myself

The sun's just gone down and it's finally starting to cool off. The sounds of birds chirping outside and the low hum of fans inside are lulling me further into a daze. I'm having a difficult time getting focussed this week, and especially since Shorty attempted his escape artist routine in the wee hours of yesterday morning. Work's been busy and we've been having humid days, the combination of which leaves me pretty useless each evening. Each morning I tell myself that in the evening I'll go out and take some shots at dusk and capture some of the great effects as the sun sets, but I've yet to manage to get myself back out of the apartment once I get home from work.

I've got a movie that I should be watching as it's due back at the store tomorrow, but I think I might take advantage of the no late fees policy and save it for another night since I'd rather be re-watching an episode of FOTC (my newest obsession). This is also pretty funny (and I normally can't tolerate musical-type things. Random song and dance, I love, but musical numbers not so much. Go figure). And I'm really liking this album.

Sorry, this was pretty random tonight.

Have a good weekend.


Anonymous said...

It's been a treat for me that you've been able to post so often this week! I love to follow your adventures and look at your photos. Seems to me that it's shaping up to be a very juicy summer on the East coast...your words capture that warm weather feelin' beautifully.

Hmmmm...I've always been curious about The Flight of the Conchords. Think I'll ask Gerry to download a few episodes and so we can give it a whirl. We don't bother paying for the trash that is cable these days, so we're always in the market for a recommendation for a decent show.

Meaghan said...

I can't say enough good things about Flight of the Conchords. I'd seen a few bits on youtube and thought they were funny, but it wasn't until M. sent me the DVD of the first season for my birthday that I fell head over heels. I don't have cable either, so I'd missed out on these guys until now. Hope you and Gerry like it.

Weeds and Freaks and Geeks are also shows I'd recommend if you're not already familiar. I'm also partial to How I Met Your Mother. I've been watching whole seasons of shows, too. I like having something in the background when I'm knitting and really don't like having to deal with commercials.