Friday, August 01, 2008



So, I've been battling this hideous flu/cold all week and it's totally kicking my ass. Just when I thought I was over the flu-y symptoms they appear to be morphing into a head cold. Lovely. At least it hasn't been insanely humid outside, because that would probably send me over the edge. I did get to see Batman this week, in a theatre that apparently doesn't have air conditioning. It was great -- the movie, not that the stuffy, muggy theatre -- way better than I expected. And there's been knitting -- I'm trying my damnedest to finish some projects, but fever brain precludes any complicated thinking. 2x2 rib is about as fancy as she gets these days.

Okay, now I'm going to stick my head in the freezer.


Anonymous said...

Oh no! So sorry to hear that you've been feeling under the weather. Having suffered a bad summer cold very recently myself, I can both empathize and sympathize!

Take good care of yourself - do relaxing, nurturing things. Does Nova Scotia have a long weekend (Civic holiday) this week as we do in Ontario? Hope so! Wishing you a speedy recovery and hopefully a healthy (and delightfully crafty!) Monday off.

Meaghan said...

Thanks, I'm finally starting to feel a bit better today, but still very tired.

Parts of NS do have a holiday on Monday, but since it's a civic holiday most businesses and the like are open, so it'll be work for me, unfortunately.