it's all about the follow through
Once upon a time, in a former life, I played basketball. I was never very good but I had fun most of the time. One of the nuggets of advice that sticks in my brain from my dribbling days is about follow through. For anyone who might never had occasion to pick up a basketball, when making a shot, especially a free throw or a shot from the field, it's important to follow through (check out 8 & 11). Follow through essentially makes for a more successful shot.
I did have a point here...
Oh yeah, well today I had the best of intentions, but I wasn't so good on the follow through. This is one of my biggest problems. I went from room to room, picking up piles and moving them six inches to the right, accomplishing very little of substance. My mind is in a dozen different places these days, and I desperately want to be able to follow through, to finish things, to shorten the to do lists.
Some days are better than others. Even though today wasn't so hot, a few short days ago I finished one of my many WIPs. Witness:
That's right, your eyes do not deceive you. That is a finished pair of socks. I really need to get a better shot, since the colours aren't true in this photo. There are a few more details on ravlery, but I've yet to do a write up on my first toe-up sock experience. I'm really pleased with how these turned out. I'm still not convinced that doing a sewn bind off of 60+ stitches is better than kitchenering a toe closed (I kind of like kitchener stitch, strange, huh?), but I see the merits of the toe-up approach. What could be better than a lovely pair of striped socks?
I've got a few more projects close to completion, though I just added many more to my ravelry queue. The anticipation of autumn has me dreaming of warm mitts and cushy sweaters.
Adios August.
What is this gorgeous vision of striped, knit wonderful before my weary eyes? 'Tis some damn fine follow through, that's what!
Your socks are absolutely beautiful Meaghan.
Now I'm off to spy on you in Ravelry.
Thanks. Yeah, I'm inordinately happy with these socks. I think some bright stripey goodness will be much welcome come the dead of winter.
Toe up socks aren't as bad as I'd anticipated, but I think I'm still probably going to be a socks from the top down girl most of the time.
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