Friday, February 27, 2009

caution to the wind

Friday again, and I must say it's been a pretty great day for no other reason than the sun is shining (it's brighter now and emits palpable heat), the temperatures broke zero, and the snow is starting to melt. It doesn't take much for me, these days. Knowing there are plenty of wintery days left in the near future, I took full advantage today, foregoing my winter boots, jacket, and tuque for a jeans jacket, scarf, and spring boots (there's still too much snow for full on spring footwear, sadly). To top it off, I bought a fudgsicle and a new pair of sunglasses, to replace the scratched ones that I've been wearing. Good times. Perhaps too early still to be wishing for local strawberries, warm beach excursions, and cold beer on restaurant patios, but a girl can dream.

Since it's Friday, I'll leave you with a video from a band that, in my brain, is inextricably linked with summer for some reason.

Hope you have a good weekend.

1 comment:

matthew said...

definitely a summer band. i dunno if it was the granville green, or the music itself, but i agree.

i think my skateboard wants to see spring just as much as i do - i swear it moves an inch closer to the door every day.