Wednesday, August 09, 2006

random notes from the past few days

less than a week now until we're gone and i'm remarkably calm and anxiety free. packing makes me feel productive -- i can see results. still a lot of stuff to do, but i'm confident that everything will get done. if i still feel the same way sunday night, all will be good. i'm also more comfortable about the idea of travelling solo with the cat.

i'm glad to have got to antigonish for a few days to relax and see the family. saturday and sunday were difficult, saying goodbye and getting ready to come back to the city. the feeling that crying is imminent is a bit disconcerting and frustrating. on monday i finally went for my hot stone massage (m gave me a gift certificate for christmas). i'd never had a massage before and this was a great way to start. i think it is a huge part of my current inexplicable calmness.

yesterday i took shorty to the vet to get his vaccinations and nails clipped before we travel. the first needle in the back of his neck went alright. the second one in his right back leg, well that was not alright. first he kicked the vet and she dropped the needle. new needle in hand, she had another go. shorty was having none of that, so she brought in her assistant to hold him down. still no luck as shorty squirmed all over the table. the assistant left for a moment and returned with a cone for his head and arm protectors. i felt awful about his behaviour. they finally got his rabies vaccine done but he was so riled up that his nails didn't get done. miraculously, he didn't vomit in the cab ride to or from the vet's, so i'm hoping that bodes well for our marathon day of travel on tuesday. when we got home, shorty proceeded to sleep all day. no wonder the vet says he's overweight (he's 16 lbs. and she said that ideally he'd be 13 or so).

well, that's enough rambling. one sure sign that i'm a little stressed, despite my apparent calmness, is that i can't string thoughts together very well and i have a little trouble concentrating when people are talking. i'll try to post again before the movers take the computer and i'm technology free for a few weeks.

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