Saturday, October 09, 2010

fall. finally.

After a stretch of abnormally warm days, the weather quickly turned cool again last Saturday afternoon. A proper welcome to October.

All of a sudden my brain is filled with thoughts of knitted items that need to be made (shawls and sweaters soon, mitts and hats soon enough). The heavy comforter has made its way back onto the bed and a wool blanket is within reach for evenings of reading or knitting on the couch. Baking can be done without having to decide whether the finished product is worth suffering though an hour or two in an oppressively hot kitchen. Slowly the clothes in the closet shift from linen and cotton to wool and corduroy. My mind seems to clear a bit in fall, everything seems like a little bit less of a chore. One of these years, I'll even get my act together enough to do some canning and jam making.

I think that I'd be hard pressed to name something that I don't like about autumn. Sure, eventually the heat will have to be turned on (thoughts of exorbitant electrical bills help to spur on the knitting of socks, shawls, sweaters), the crisp, colourful leaves will fall and leave bare trees, and the sparkleyness of the first snow will be dulled by seemingly endless storms and subzero temperatures. And ultimately I'll complain that I can't get or stay warm. But while it lasts, fall is worth celebrating and enjoying.

Oh, and I started that sweater I've been nattering on about. More soon.

(I hate to have a photo-less post. Need to scan some more film. Haven't been shooting any digital lately.)

1 comment:

Anjali said...

Yay, October! Nice to see you back for Fall. Can't wait to see more photos and the progress on your sweater. I'm dying to know which pattern made the cut!