Tuesday, April 22, 2008

spring fever


So, I'm very happy to say that spring has finally made its way to Nova Scotia. Sadly, though, with the onset of warmer weather and days on end of sunshine, my mind has turned to mush. Of course, the numbing of my brain might also be attributed to my recent addiction and the rediscovery of an old love. Whatever the causes, I haven't got much to show for the past few weeks.

Project 365 has been sort of frustrating lately, but, after days when I wanted to throw in the towel, I can feel some inspiration building somewhere deep down. Those terrible days where I've taken dozens of shots and they're all crap and I want to throw the camera out the window seem so far away on the rare days when everything comes together easily and I get some shots that I'm actually pleased with. Two weeks ago, I wouldn't have been able to offer my week in photos, but things are turning around. So, since words aren't coming very easily today, here are some shots from the past few weeks.

Enjoy the spring (unless you live out West, in which case I'm so very sorry about the snow).



light dots




1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Meg - I'm loving all your pictures and all those fun shoes! How is the lace scarf coming along? I had intended to start mine on vacation but alas I haven't touched needles in weeks :(
talk to you soon, Kim