Saturday, August 23, 2008

thinkin' it over


Sheesh. My vacation is nearly over and I've managed to do a whole lot of nothing. I had a rather substantial list of household and crafty things that needed to get done during my week off and, well, I don't think I finished a single one. Many were started with the best of intentions, but I've been easily distracted, reduced to daydreaming and flitting from one thing to another.

What I have been doing is a lot of thinking. And planning. While I feel a bit guilty for not doing any of the chores that I had planned, I also realise that I needed some rest and do-absolutely-nothing-time. I have a clearer picture of what needs to be done, of what can be done and can't. I've been thinking a lot about the future and what is to come, but more on that at another time. For now I'm enjoying the remaining days of my vacation, and the remaining weeks of summer.

I must confess, though, that I'm looking forward to the fall. Especially after seeing this collection. While those pieces are unfortunately out of my price range, I'm inspired to create a few fall things for myself with some patterns and maybe some pilfered material from my mom's stash(!).

For now, I'm going to have a drink, listen to this concert, and maybe do some knitting.

Enjoy your evening.

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