Monday, September 15, 2008

can't get my act together


Wow, the past couple of weeks have flown by. I'm finally getting a few things finished, but I'm having trouble finding the time and words to show up here.

Jay Smooth of Ill Doctrine says it better than I could right now (check out the song, too).

Be back soon with some finished knits (yes, knits, plural)!

Now I've got to decide what to make with all the plums I bought at the market.


Anonymous said...

Oooooh, knits plural you say? Can't wait to see the finished objects!

Your yummy photo (love the way it looks as though a "river" is flowing through the knitted fabric), and the cooler weather has got me feelin' all knittery again.

Gosh, have you seen the Fall Knitty? It makes me want to drop everything and knit 24/7 to finish all my projects just so I can cast on for "Camden". Love Camden!

Meaghan said...

Y'know, when I first looked at the Fall Knitty, I just glanced at Camden and couldn't think of the pattern when you mentioned it. But now that I've taken a second look, I'm quite enamored.

The 185(!) projects in my Ravelry queue are all clamoring for attention.