ignore the rant and pretend the photos aren't so bad
You know those days where you would have been better off never having gotten out of bed? Not the days where you simply don't want to get out of bed in the morning, though today started off like that, but the days that go so wrong so quickly that you feel like you never quite get your bearings. Like when you were a kid and you kept spinning around in circles, arms flailing about, long after your mom told you to stop. And when you finally did stop you felt like you were going to get sick. Well, put that spinning-in-circles-feel-like-you're-going-to-be-sick day on top of a lot of other not so great days and that's me lately. To be fair, after a couple of fairly unpleasant weeks, this week seemed like it wasn't going to be so bad. But today just erased that.
I spent the whole day completely flabbergasted at how frustrated and rude people can become when I'm doing my best to correct a situation that has gone wrong through no fault of my own. Now, I understand the tendency to get frustrated, heck it often feels like frustration is my middle name. But, when a problem gets dumped in my lap, extending from a situation that I had no previous role in, and I'm doing everything I can to make it right for all parties involved and all I get is grief, it makes me angry. And snippy. Politeness will get you so very far in my books. I'll bend over backwards to help people who are nice to me and who have even a glimmer of understanding of what it's like to have my job. Display even a little rudeness or snobbishness or condescension and I'll freeze you out like nobody's business.
Ah, I've turned this into a rant and that wasn't my intention. I'm just having a difficult time getting my footing these days and I'm all to aware of how it's going to snowball over the coming weeks and months. C'est la vie, I guess.
I've been bookmarking things that I mean to share here, and I keep talking about some photography posts, but clearly I still can't get my act together. Knitting is happening behind the scenes and I'm still managing to keep up with Project 365 (although some days the photos are downright awful). I inexplicably thought it was a good idea to join the Through the Loops Mystery Sock KAL in honour of Socktoberfest (I have no delusions about finishing a full pair of socks, but am aiming at getting one sock completed as she posts each step).
At any rate, please accept this random assortment of mediocre photographs as a distraction from my absence. I will be back soon. Promise. October is bringing good things and sweater weather. I'm excited.
1 comment:
Meaghan, I'm so sorry to hear about the unpleasantness over the past few weeks. Unfortunately there are people out there that insist on being bastards despite best intentions and efforts. Absolutely nothing to do with you as you already know,however I know it's still very stressful to have to deal with them.
One foot in front of the other and breathe. I know these things are difficult to shut out sometimes, so it's imperative that you continue to do what fuels you (knitting, photography, visiting with your boy, etc.), even if you can only squeeze them in for a few minutes a day.
Don't be so hard on yourself, your photos are fantastic! You are working wonders with that little Canon. I'm insanely jealous because I wish I could be half as good with my SLR. No need to apologize for a good rant! After all, it's YOUR blog!
Feel better soon and enjoy all the goodness that October brings you.
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