Wednesday, June 28, 2006

the best laid plans

i had big plans for this week. i wanted to get a start on the cleaning/sorting/packing that needs to be done around the apartment. in less than two months we'll be gone. ack. i have so much clutter that i've been hauling around for the past eight years. it's time to sort through what i really need/want and what can be given away or sold. a big job, and i had myself all psyched up to start on sunday.

and then, the evolving cold. what started out as a tickle in my throat on sunday morphed into full on sore throat, then nausea and fever, and last night turned into a raging head cold. by the time i get home from work, all i want to do is sit on the couch. and sometimes knit. which is good, in a way, as i've been making a concerted effort to finish my many WIPs. (photos soon when i get the hang of uploading pictures.)

needless to say, i haven't done any cleaning this week. there's a pile of dishes on the counter, and little piles of clothes and miscellaneous papers that i deposit everywhere and fail to move later. i really need to stop doing that.

hopefully the cold will pass soon, and i'll feel more like cleaning house. truthfully, though, i'm just procrastinating. lots of things are changing around me (with friends and family) and starting to clean and pack would mean admitting that the changes are hitting closer to home. and turning 26 last week makes things seem more real. i'm having to make some real grown up decisions and do some grown up things and it's scary. i'm trying to look at all of this turmoil as an opportunity to make some much needed changes. keep your fingers crossed.

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