Sunday, December 02, 2007

The one all about the cat

Hello out there.

It's been a hectic couple of weeks, but I don't have much to show for it. All of my energy seems to go toward getting through the days at work, so by the time the evening rolls around I usually fall asleep in a chair before I even get a chance to pick up my knitting.

But, seeing how the holidays are just around the corner (when did that happen?), and after yesterday's weather it seems a little more real (snow squalls, anyone?), I thought today might be a good opportunity to start crossing some of the items off my Christmas To Do list.

I was making some cat toys when, what can only be called The Great Catnip Incident of '07 occurred. I went to use the sewing machine, leaving an open bag of catnip on the kitchen counter. (Foolish, I know. I bet you can see what's coming.) Five minutes later I returned to the kitchen to find this:

This is your cat on drugs.

Yes, indeed, Shorty had knocked the bag off the counter and was rolling in a substantial pile of catnip (he's sitting on most of it). Oh dear. (Crazy cats.)

Since I had the sewing machine open, and I was feeling crafty, I whipped up a new bandanna for Molly. And by whipped, I mean laboured. I had planned to make a couple more of these, but tedium of the hems was just too much for me today.

Molly's New Dress

I'm very excited to say that I now have internet at my apartment, so I plan on my appearances here becoming a bit more regular. For now, I'm off to make some hot chocolate and attend to some much neglected knitting.

Stay warm.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to see you back and gettin' yer craft on. Love Molly's new bandanna, I wish I could sew. Catnip orgies are a regular occurrence in our house - we just can't seem to get it through our heads that an open bag of catnip spells mayhem.