Sunday, January 20, 2008

these days

Lately, my life is all about doing my best to ignore the things that are stressing me out. On any given day, I can find any number of relatively insignificant things to worry about, and I have trouble turning my brain off. These days, though, the little things have been pushed aside and it feels like a lot of major ones clamoring for attention. None of it is the end of the world, but short days and cold weather seem to magnify everything for me. Not being able to see an end in sight doesn't help much either. So, I find myself faced with the task of managing my days so that my head doesn't explode.

Given my current frame of mind, it would have been all too easy for me to waste today away. Sitting with my knitting would have definitely done me some good, but I was shooting higher. For weeks months I've been meaning to do a major clean up job on my apartment. I made a futile attempt earlier in the week, but I knew that one way to help clear the clutter from my brain was to clear the mess from my physical space. Now, a full blown cleanup was impossible to manage in just one day, but I feel like I made a good dent in things. Papers have been sorted into stacks and a good chunk have gone into blue bags. The pile of dishes waiting to be cleaned has dwindled. The overflowing garbages have been dumped. I'm not as slovenly as that makes me sound, but the standard has definitely been lowered over the past few months. One of my ongoing goals is to stop letting things pile up. When did I become such a procrastinator?

I feel like I've got a good start to a new week. I'm all too aware, however, that a tidier apartment isn't going to mean an end to the mess in my head. My apartment is still a long way from organized. The housecleaning high has already begun to wear off and the work day draws nearer.

But it can't be all bad when you've got a belly full of sushi, right?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice! Veggie sushi is definitely a comfort food of the motivating kind.

It sounds as though we are in a similar place. I have a very long to-do list in front of me. So many things need attention, that it wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that this list will keep me very busy for the next year or two. Each item is competing in my head with the next for priority which overwhelms me to no end. Admittedly there are many days when I collapse, give up completely, and do something distracting to take my mind off the damn list. Otherwise I just slowly put one foot in front of the other and tackle what I can . When the day is over, good enough is good enough. Every little dent counts, don't ever beat yourself up over what you didn't do. Even if you do one small thing every day, by the end of the week 7 things are done, 30 by month's end, etc. Just keep going. Both effort and slacking off are necessary to maintain sanity.

I don't mean to come off giving unsolicited advice. I'm just describing an approach that keeps my mental health in check and to let you know you're not alone.

Nice to see you posting more often lately - the photos are as gorgeous as ever and love that newly finished hat! See? Lots is getting done!