Sunday, February 28, 2010



February sucks. There's just no getting around it. Does anyone really, truly like February? Alright, maybe that's a bit harsh, and I'm sure that lots of folks really love winter and February in particular. I'm just not one of them. Not even close. I like winter well enough at the beginning, and sometimes January turns out to be not half bad. But February, well February never fails to deliver a hard sucker punch right where it hurts.

So far this winter, the weather has been relatively gentle in our end of the province. Makes me feel a little guilty complaining about it all, when we've managed to miss out on the huge snowstorms and bone chilling-cold for the most part. And yet, I'm so very glad to be saying goodbye to February today.

March can be rough, but ever so slowly it begins to offer milder days, more sunshine, patches of green. Sure there will still be snow, cold wind, and the need for layers and mittens and raincoats. But those brief hints of spring are usually enough to get me through what remains of winter.

Soon spring!

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